Kentucky Lake Fishing Guide

kentucky lake fishing guide crappie action

Year Round Crappie Fishing Guide on Kentucky Lake

Kentucky Lake is famous for the many fishing and hunting opportunities it provides on 160,309 acres. A guide can be your most valuable asset.

All the guides with “Crappie Action Guide Service” have fished Kentucky Lake for 30+ years. We will work hard to make your trip the experience of a life time. Our guides will show you what Kentucky Lake is famous for:..”Slab Crappie”…If you like to “Feel the Thump” when a crappie bites your  jig  give us a call!

Kentucky Lake Fishing Guides Information
1-2 People 350.00
3 People 400.00
100.00 Deposit

Kentucky Lake Fishing Guide
Ken Riddick
Paris, TN
Phone: 731-285-3551


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